Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesdays with Naqvi--Herceptin #43,44

I had a heart check this morning.  Medically speaking, my heart is holding strong through this process.  I am supposed to have an echo every 2 months, so I just might be able to avoid another one before the end of this chemo, and it seems like prayers have been answered for my heart to remain unaffected by the possible side effect of cardiomyopathy.  If all things stay on track---which they rarely do for me---I just might make it.  Or, I could have to do things the hard way, like usual.   

Figuratively, my heart has been in better places.  I'm so over chemo, over the hassle, over the stress of coming here, taking the boys there, rushing and fussing to get out the door in time to make it to extra appointments and early drop-offs.  It's getting old. And freezing rain in March, in HOUSTON, isn't helping.  I feel quite BLAH today.  However, just when I get to the end of that rope and start to complain, I'm subtly reminded that things could be worse and I can do hard things.  {Even though my boys knocked my framed copy of this saying off the wall this morning and busted it into pieces.  Omen?}

Even before today's heart checkup, I've been pondering the topic of hearts.  Between Valentine's Day and a program at church with the theme, "A Heart Like His," for which I was a speaker, hearts have been on my mind.  

All through my scriptures, I've highlighted in pink any verse that mentions heart.  Pink has a new meaning in my life and has come to represent more than just a favorite color or a symbol of love.  As I read these pink verses of scripture, I'm reminded over and over of the spiritual emphasis placed on this organ.  Our hearts become the figurative description of our mind and will, a symbol for all emotions.  This concept defies all logic and science.  It would seem that emotions, thoughts, decisions, and will should take place in the brain, the epicenter of our physical bodies.  However, the Lord looks on the heart.  

From various scriptures, we are told that our hearts can be foolish, rebellious, hardened, stirred up to evil, prideful, wicked, fearful, or blind, among other negative descriptors.  Or, our hearts can be willing, softened, open, understanding, upright, glad, pure, merry, honest, good, changed, and ultimately perfect.  The only way to reach this perfection of heart is to come unto Christ.  

Ever remember being asked if you've experienced a mighty change of heart?  Why would our hearts need to change?  Not to beat stronger or grow in size, but to turn and become converted, which happens when we make the decision in life to align our hearts with the will of our Father in Heaven.  In the world, a broken heart is a terrible thing, usually the result of a break-up or a lost love.  Spiritually, we've been told that a broken heart is desirable, not sad at all.  Having a broken heart and contrite spirit means that we are meek, humble, and receptive to God's will.  This is a hard concept for those, like me, who tend toward the naturally strong-willed and stubborn side.  Breaking a heart into humility isn't always easy.  Sometimes, it only happens through our trials.   

At baptism, we are asked to take upon us the name of Christ, to make a place for Him in our hearts.  From there on, we strive to keep the commandments and to become more like Him, and the place we made in our hearts becomes more aligned with His will.  Our hearts begin to turn.

As we strive to have a heart more like the Savior's, we take on His qualities.  Such examples of having a heart like His include a forgiving heart, a loving heart, a kind heart, a heart of faith, an understanding heart, a heart of charity, a heart of integrity, a heart of virtue.  It takes work to turn our hearts and make them more perfect.  We also have to learn to sometimes let go of logic and reason and rely on faith.  There are times when we can feel love not only in our minds, but truly in our hearts.  

If my heart can survive a year of chemo, I can only imagine what I could do if it could be truly broken.  

 How I feel today:

How I SHOULD feel today:  

I'm wishing on a star and clicking my ruby Minnie Ears and repeating, "There's no place like Disney.  There's no place like Disney.  There's no place like Disney." 

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute in your Minnie Ears!!! As usual, you've written an amazing post-thanks for sharing your amazing gifts with us!!! Love, Mom ;-) P.S. Can't wait to see all y'all this weekend!!!!
