Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mists of Darkness

Somehow, I tend to forget that a great storm overtook my life 2 years ago, and then it's time for another cancer screening.  I had blood taken today, for the 9-month anniversary of my second birth.  Let's hope I'm still cancer-free!  This week of waiting somehow reminds me of the darkness that arose around that time.   

While on our journey here below,
Beneath temptation's pow'r,
Through mists of darkness we must go,
In peril ev'ry hour.
("The Iron Rod," Text: Joseph L. Townsend, 1849-1942 Music: William Clayson, 1840-1887)

There is a story from the Book of Mormon that quite perfectly sums up our experience in this earthly life.  It is often called, "Lehi's Dream," or "The Vision of the Tree of Life."  In the story, Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, tells of a dream he has dreamed of a tree which bears desirable fruit, which is reached only by following a treacherous path, led by only a rod of iron to guide the way through mists of darkness and peril, through a large and spacious field surrounded by dangerous cliffs, a river of filthy water near the side, and strange roads with forbidden paths.  Once Lehi reaches the tree in his dream and eats the fruit, he realizes how much he wants others, especially those closest to him--his family--to partake.  Sadly, not everyone chooses to follow the path to the fruit, as many are led away, or find themselves pulled toward a great and spacious building, full of seemingly jolly people engaged in enticing activities and mocking those on the path or at the tree.  Those who wander off in search of other sources of joy are often lost.  (see  1 Nephi 8 )

In later passages, we learn the interpretation of these symbols and how they can be likened to this life.  The tree of life is the love of God, and the fruit is the representation of the greatest gifts of God--life, His love, and our ability to return to Him. Regardless of religious affiliation, most people believe in God, or a higher power, and one of life's greatest motivations is to seek His love.  Our creation and purpose in life is often related to seeking after the love of God, or tasting of the fruit of the tree of life. As so many of us find, the path to the fruit is not easy.  It is treacherous and often difficult, and we only move forward with help, by holding fast to the iron rod, which is interpreted to represent the word of God.  There are many distractions, dangers, and detours which attempt to discourage us from pressing on.  ( See 1 Nephi 15:23-25, 1 Nephi 12:17)

In the hymn inspired by this passage of scriptures, "The Iron Rod," it is interesting to note that over half the verses discuss, not what the title suggests, but instead a different symbol: Mists of Darkness. 

  A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to study the entire story of Lehi's Dream story and focus my attention on these mists of darkness in order to present my thoughts on this one aspect of the dream to the group of women at our church, the Relief Society, for a special conference, as my role in the leadership of this organization.  (I even got to attempt to paint my version of the mists!) 

"And it came to pass that there arose a mist of darkness; yea, even an exceedingly great mist of darkness, insomuch that they who had commenced in the path did lose their way, that they wandered off and were lost.
And it came to pass that I beheld others pressing forward, and they came forth and caught hold of the end of the rod of iron; and they did press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron, even until they did come forth and partake of the fruit of the tree." (1 Nephi 8: 23-24)

The Book of Mormon describes these mists of darkness: "And the mists of darkness are the temptations of the devil, which blindeth the eyes, and hardeneth the hearts of the children of men, and leadeth them away into broad roads, that they perish and are lost." (Nephi 12:17) No wonder the mists of darkness take up so much space in the hymn describing this dream.  Our pathways in life are often clouded over with these mists, which can be experienced as trials, temptations, and anything that would attempt to have us step away from God's word, stray from the path to His love, lead to feelings of shame for believing, or cause us to lose our way and forget the light that stands steadfast at the end of the path.   I love how Jeffrey R. Holland describes the mist:

It is imperative to note that this mist of darkness descends on all the travelers—the faithful and the determined ones (the elect, we might even say) as well as the weaker and ungrounded ones. The principal point of the story is that the successful travelers resist all distractions, including the lure of forbidden paths and jeering taunts from the vain and proud who have taken those paths....  However dark the night or the day, the rod marks the way of that solitary, redeeming trail. (See "Safety for the Soul," Jeffrey R. Holland, Oct. 2009)

Each of us encounter mists of darkness. The mists could be daily challenges that attempt to shake our faith.  The mists can arise as sudden and unexpected storms such as devastating losses of loved ones or livelihood.  Health challenges, addictions, personal struggles, public difficulties, temptations of all kind could all lead us to give up hope, to shrink from His word.  None of us can know what challenges or obstacles we may be called to face on our path, but we know that each of us will face challenges, these mists of darkness. 

The constant is the tree, the love of God.  He stands firm, pleading with us to follow His path and hold on through the darkness.  He promises His light.  Even if the mists seem to never subside on our personal journey, each of us can continue to press forward, simply holding on and knowing that there will be light.  There is one true source of the pure light, the love of God.  It is waiting, with roots as deep as the Tree of Life, always there for us to partake.   

How do we press forward through the darkness? Each of us is born with the light of Christ, as the scriptures tell us: "And that I am the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world;"
(D&C 93:2) and "That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world."
(John 1:9)  No matter the strength of duration of the mists of darkness, each of us has the true light that can push out all darkness.  A testimony of Jesus Christ is the one sure way to press forward.  Even if you feel unable to see any break in a storm or any light in your darkness, you can do as those in the dream did and "press [your] way forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron."  (1 Nephi 8:30)  Faith in the source of all the light in the world, our Savior, is the only thing that will get us through the storms.  His love, relying on His strength and the promise that he "reaches our reaching" to make up the difference if we will but hold on and press forward.

I, like many of you, have been caught in my own mists of darkness.  Some of the biggest tests of life happen in the mists, for these trials and tests are sometimes the only way to humility and the gain the ability to see the Light with an eye of faith, even in the midst of the mists.  The light of Christ is there.  He is a safe harbor for our souls.  His love, His promises, and His light can guide us through any of life's storms, and they can help us understand that all of us are here on the journey, just trying to find the light in the storms.  And, I'm hoping that I will see the light of another 3 months without major darkness.  But if not......



  1. You are amazing, my dear daughter! You have got to get your writings published! Love you ;)

  2. I just happened across this as I am studying to teach a gospel doctrine lesson in a few weeks and wanted to tell you that you are so brave, strong, inspirational, and more. What beautiful thoughts!! I have felt prompted to teach about mists of darkness but had not thought about using "The Iron Rod" hymn. Thank you for your beautiful insights and spiritual strength.
