Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Leave it to Fleener

My talented, intelligent, witty brother, Brandon, came up with the "Tuesdays with Naqvi" series title for the posts I wrote during my first battle with cancer.  I asked him to think of something catchy to use for this second phase.  I love his idea, and it becomes more and more applicable as the weeks go on. 

Remember my former oncologist's first response to possible legions in my bones?  In case you could have possibly forgotten such insanity, let me remind you: she tried to convince Stephen and me that it was ARTHRITIS!!!!  With my medical history?!!!??? And she being my FREAKING ONCOLOGIST????  Strike that: former oncologist.  The arthritis excuse was the final straw, the nail in the coffin of my Tuesdays with Naqvi.  Now, I "Leave it to Fleener."

Over and over I receive confirmation that this choice is the right one for now.  For instance, last night, Naqvi called me with the verbal report of the pathology of my tumor---the results from the biopsy I had last week.  I have "minimal ER positivity, PR negativity, and high HER2 positivity."  Interestingly enough, before Fleener had ANY written reports other than my first MRI, she predicted that this time I would most likely be HER2 positive only.  Her reasoning made perfect sense.  I have been taking Tamoxifen for over a year now, which blocks estrogen, and has been proven to prevent the regrowth of ER+ tumors.  If an estrogen-blocking drug was on board and yet my cancer has spread so aggressively and with such speed, how could it possibly be estrogen positive?  And, what do you know?  Fleener's predictions were correct.  In addition, Naqvi's major concern for me starting radiation was the damage to bone marrow, which would make chemo much more difficult later on.  Wouldn't you know that I looked back on my notes with my appointment with Fleener, and I wrote down, "minimal radiation to prevent damage to bone marrow."?  I think this lady knows what she's doing.

It might be hard for the award-winning, "big city" oncologist, with the AMAZING cure rate to admit, or maybe she just doesn't want a 2 percenter to like me to taint her positive results, but there can be incredible doctors outside the MED Center. Also, I really did have legitimate concerns for pain.  It wasn't explained away by something easy like wearing an underwire bra or side effects from my surgery.  It was CANCER RETURNING!!!  As little as any of us want this to be the truth or want to accept it, it is what it is.  There is no denying it. And I need someone who is going to get on it and fight for me, personally, and not for the statistics.  

Speaking of beginning the fight, today during radiation, I got a call from Fleener's office.  Instead of calling back, I walked over to her office.  Goble and Fleener have worked out my plan: I'll begin chemo after completely my 10 days of radiation.  That means the hard part starts on August 31.  It's coming up, and I have faith that the next phase will be fine if I "Leave it to Fleener."

P.S.  I'm healing up after surgery.  Today, I was able to shower and might just try to sit at the edge of the pool while the boys take a little swim!  Here's how the scars are looking today:

1 comment:

  1. You make cancer look good!! (sorry, I hope that's not insensitive. you do look good though)
    -Charlie :)
