Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Leave it to Fleener---Follow Up

I had a scheduled appointment with Dr. Fleener yesterday, which turned out to be good timing.  I planned to discuss with her some crazy pain I was having in my throat and up into my ear.  I wondered if I had an ear infection because that pain was so powerful it was making it difficult to eat or drink anything.  No food sounded appetizing, and my usual go-to in between foods, like smoothies or soups were painful to swallow because the extreme temperatures just enflamed the pain.  I also threw up on Friday night after leaving the movies.  (Stephen had to pull over so I could lean out of the car and empty all the gatorade and popcorn I just consumed.)  I also threw up Monday night after only forcing down egg drop soup and water for most of the day.  I knew it wasn't going down a great path, but I kept trying to eat and drink as much as I could.  It wasn't enough.

At the doctor, I found out I'd lost about 8 lbs.  We discussed my ear and throat pain and we talked about other symptoms:  How were my bowels? How was my bone pain?  How am I really doing emotionally with all of this? Dr. F said that this first round is usually the worst, just because we don't know what to expect with my body and its reaction to the chemo.  Day 8-10 are usually the worst as I try to come back from the lowest point in the process and make my way back up.  That's good news, as I should be on the uphill turn now.  The most concerning thing about my visit was that my heart rate came in at a staggering 151.  We hoped that this was because of my lack of food and fluids and my heart trying to pump harder to make up for that and spread the blood around as quickly as it could.  

They got me hooked up in the back, accessing my port, to give me fluids.  This helped my blood pressure to go down, but still at a point that was too high.  Even though it's painful and doesn't sound appetizing, I have to eat and drink more to not break my heart.  I never had this last time, as cold and hot weren't difficult to eat, and I was always sipping on a smoothie or chomping ice.  It's also been a good amount of years since I've had an ear infection.  This is definitely never boring.  

I'm supposed to force myself to stay hydrated and take a Zpack to hopefully kill the ear and throat pain.  And, if it doesn't seem to get better, I need to come back in for more fluids.  

They will also give me a stronger nausea medicine with the next round.  Dr. F laughed and said that it's crazy, but now "insurance will pay for it," because I was sick even while I the medicine I was given.  It's crazy how you have to get sick in order to get the best medicine out there.  

I don't have time for all these little sick side effects.  I have a life to live!!!  

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