Thursday, May 5, 2016

PET Scan

I was not looking forward to this round of scans AT ALL.  I cried.  I complained.  I did not want to go!  I was especially not looking forward to the 24-hour diet of ONLY lean protein and green veggies.  And by "only," I mean...ONLY.  No juice, no toast, no potatoes.  No rice, pasta, or tortillas.  Avoid all sugar, all fruits, all fruit juices, raisins, beats, cantaloupe, cereal, breads, carrots, corn, kidney beans, pretzels, chips, granola, oatmeal, pasta, peas, yams, sodas, etc.  Only drink water.  Even though I was not happy about my limited food choices, I did it.  Then, in the 23rd hour, I received a phone call explaining that the PET scans were broken.  They thought a power outage had fried the computer motherboard.  Regardless of the issue, I would not be having my scheduled scans.  "Go have a glass of wine.  Eat some ice cream," the tech told me.  Well, that would have been information useful to me BEFORE I'd gone through the diet to almost the full amount.  There was no telling when the repairs would be complete, so she would call back to reschedule.

Thankfully, the machines were back up and I was able to get the first appointment of Thursday morning, May 5.  And, because I'd already eaten breakfast that day, I would not have to go another 24 hours of the diet!

That morning, I got up and going early, got Evan to a friend's house, so he would s

till get to school on time, and headed to the appointment.  I was there before the chemo nurses, but was still able to convince the tech to let me ask one of the nurses to access my port, even though we were cutting it close on time.

Once I had port access, I got the dose of radioactive isotopes and waited for them to make their way through my body.

Then, I was in and out, without a problem!

That stuff makes me tired, but gets out of my system fairly quickly by drinking lots of water and eliminating it that way.

Stephen told me he ran into Dr. Fleener at lunch that day.  "I haven't seen you forever!" she told him.  When she asked how things were going, Stephen told her that I was really worried about these scans. She then assured him that she would make a point to get the results THAT DAY.  "Have Melodee call the office by 4:30, if she hasn't heard from us."  What a relief it is to have a doctor that goes above and beyond.

While I was waiting to pick up kids from school, the office called to tell me the results.

"Your results are stable."  was how it was explained.

A little unsure about that terminology, I asked, "That's good, right?"

"Yes!  It means there is no evidence of disease. "

With a sigh of relief, I hung up the phone.  I'm now able to breath a little easier for another 3-4 months!  

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