Monday, April 29, 2013

Checkpoint Ultrasound

I'm often asked, "why are you doing chemo before having surgery?" Apparently, this approach to the treatment of breast cancer is fairly new, but it makes sense. By leaving the tumor in while receiving chemo treatments, the doctors are able to have baseline for comparison throughout the process.

Today I had a midway ultrasound to check how my chemo is working and to do a follow-up comparison to my mammogram, previous ultrasound, and other scans. The good news is that the chemo is doing its job!

The radiologist told me today that she will write up an official report for Dr. Naqvi to review with me at my next appointment, but what she told me seemed very positive. The previous mammogram showed my tumor and all the area of calcifications to span about 12 cm. The ultrasound doesn't pick up all of the areas of calcification as well as a mammogram would, but it did show that tumor in my left breast itself is significantly smaller. There still is one fairly large area in my axillary lymph nodes that appears to still be enlarged, but overall, the size of my tumors has decreased.

It's nice to hear some good news and to have more of an assurance that these unpleasant treatments are having positive results!