Friday, August 30, 2013

Post Op Appt.

I had my first official outing after surgery today---straight to the doctor! Dr. Boutros was in surgery, so his nurse took great care of me. 3 of my 4 drains were looking good and not putting out too much, so they got to come out! That last abdomen one will have to wait until next week's appointment. It feels SO freeing to have most of my "tentacles" removed.   There was only one that gave me a little bit of trouble since the suture was so embedded in my skin. That was the only one that actually gave me an ounce of discomfort when it was removed. I'm a pro at the power of deep breaths, the technique she asked me to use during removal, so I barely felt those tubes being pulled out of my body!  

It lifted my spirits when the nurse checked me out and immediately and emphatically exclaimed, "they (the girls) look GOOD!" I guess I had more skin and tissue to work with than most patients, so she was saying that especially for only a week out, the shape and size and everything was looking really great. The sutures around the flap where my nipple and areola once were could be removed today, so the breasts are right on schedule. 

My new belly button area is healing so well that she was able to remove those sutures, too, ahead of schedule. 

I'm still not cleared to drive, lift anything, lift my arms above my head, wear a bra, climb stairs, or do anything that is going to compromise the healing process. So, I'm basically still worthless when it comes to doing much of anything around here. 

I do feel pleased with my healing process, my pain control, the surgery and results so far, and all the love and support that's helping me through.  

Now to enjoy some college football and a holiday weekend!! Gig 'em, Aggies!!


  1. You look AMAZING! Hard to believe that you went thru MAJOR surgery just over a week ago! (Make sure you keep taking good care of yourself & let others keep helping you, too!!!) Hard to be so far away, but I'm sending prayers your way day & night!! Love ya lots-

  2. Getting the drains out is such a relief! I'm glad you are healing quickly! You'll feel so much better soon!

  3. Mel, you're amazing! You inspire us all over here and are in our daily prayers. I love you cousin! :)

  4. What great news! So glad your recovery is going well. Take care of yourself. This will all be behind you before you know it. Love you.
