Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesdays with Melodee

 After I finally got the correct drugs in me this week, I started to feel much better.  Surprise, surprise!  I didn't vomit at all this week!  I still ate nothing but chicken soup and ice cream for 3-4 days, but am slowly returning back to *normal,* even though I can tell that the process is taking its toll on me.   

This whole thing is such a mental/physical/spiritual/emotional journey.  In my mind, I'm still ME, still able to go, go, go and get everything done.  Then, the fatigue or nausea or pains catch up to me, and I realize that I'm not only human, but a sick human at the moment.  I get tired and need to rest after doing a few simple tasks like getting the kids dressed and beds made.  Also, In my mind, I'm HUNGRY.  Mentally, I want to eat full meals, but then I start to eat  and realize that things just don't taste the same as they once did, and my stomach just can't handle what the chemicals in my brain are telling me I want to eat.  For example, I tried to eat some cereal this morning--Cinnamon Life--and it was revolting.  I couldn't stand the milk!  If only I wasn't held back by my physical limitations, this would be much easier.

My head, eyes, and eyebrows were itching like crazy this week, as what was left of my hair from before kept falling out.  I would wake up in the morning, and it looks like a gray-headed cat had been sleeping and shedding on my pillow.  I finally shaved the rest of the hair off this week.  I'm starting to feel like a different person, physically.  At least, I've been told, I have a good head for baldness.   

What a difference some makeup can make!   I'm getting better and better at coloring in eyebrows.  I wonder how long it will take for my hair to start growing back.  I can't wait to see how/if it changes.   

The good news is that I'm half-way through with the 2nd half of chemo.  It's nice to have these small checkpoints, since the REALLY long part is still to come.  I still have surgery{ies}, possible radiation, and FORTY more weekly doses of Herceptin.  Yes, 40!  It dawned on me this week what a daunting amount that is.  It's a bit discouraging to think about trying to do a weekly countdown, especially since 40 weeks reminds me of a pregnancy.  It's insane to me that I will have friends who will conceive, carry, and give birth to a child before I will be finished with this process.  At this point, I feel like I will never get this port out! I'll have to think about some other countdown that will make the whole timeline pass by more quickly. 


  1. I did it by seasons. That way I could look forward to the hair color, hats and scarfs to by for the next season!

  2. I will agree with your nice head for baldness, it is a beauty. Bryan would not be able to say that! We love you!

  3. I'm sorry you have such hard things to face, but you're doing amazingly well at trusging through it all, often with a smile and such a positive attitude. Even though you don't feel like yourself, you are still the same Mel to me. You havd me laighing so hard when you texted me about Hudson's name. Although you look much different with no makeup, my gosh girl, you are BEAUTIFUL! And wow, you have talent applying makeup as well. ((Hugs!!)) P.S. Happy 13th anniversary to you and Stephen!! I remember your wedding day like it was yesterday. My how time flies.
