Friday, May 3, 2013

The Glad Game

It's time to put on my best Pollyanna smile and try to think of something to be glad about. "It helps sometimes....when things aren't going so well."

This stuff is kicking my butt...stomach, really. The day-after wasn't too bad, and I was having high hopes that I might be able to do really well. Waking up to a baby who had thrown up in his crib and threw up again after breakfast was not a good sign, especially since my oldest stayed home from school after throwing up and feeling sick a few days ago. {Really, Evan, did you have to throw up on the new pillows???} Stephen also has a sore throat/ear infection, again, and has been sick all week. Seriously!?! If I was the only sick one around here, this would be so much easier to take! Thankfully, the baby seemed okay after being cleaned up and bathed. I made a smoothie to try to get some breakfast in me. My mom made scrambled eggs for breakfast, and the smell of those got to me, just like they did while I was pregnant.

I managed to make it to the hospital for my shot....almost. It finally all caught up with me once I got inside, and I threw up in a hallway trashcan. Real glamorous. Glad Game: at least it was all smoothie--pre-blended and no chunks. Smooth on the way back up, too! Then, I got the glorious gut shot and headed home to rest. The resting didn't go so well, as I was in the bathroom more than the bed. Glad game: There wasn't much in my stomach, so this time was much quicker. Bonus: One of the chemo drugs causes diarrhea, but Zofran and Lortab can cause constipation. No worries--everything has a way of working out!

The biggest thing to be be glad about this week is that my mom is in town. I am so tired, like I've worked out for hours. Glad game: I have an excuse not to. My body aches, and my insides feel like they're burning from the throat, down. It feels heavy. But, I'm able to move a little slower and not have to stress about keeping the boys entertained, etc., since I have help. Glad game: both younger boys still take afternoon naps, and I was able to, also.

Glad game: I was able to get a $538 refund from one of the medical procedures we'd paid up-front when the insurance was still trying to catch up, without too much trouble. It won't go through for at least a month, and will be turned around to pay someone else, but it's progress!

I was told that this chemo would be worse. So far, that is true. Glad game: I don't have to do it again for another 3 weeks!


  1. Bless your heart, dear friend. That is a lot to deal with without a sick family too. Been so worried about you. Glad your mom is there to take care of you. All my love and prayers are with you.

  2. I had the stomach flu during my third round of FEC and it threw me for a loop as well. Hopefully the rest of your chemo rounds will go more smoothly! I am so sorry; this will pass, I promise!
