Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Six Weeks Post Op

It's been six weeks since my mastectomy/reconstruction, so, technically, I'm healed!  

I was told over and OVER that this recovery process would take ALL of 6-8 weeks, and that was no joke.  I've tried to take it easy and rest, letting people help me.  I've turned down fun things and said, "no" much more often than I like, all in the name of healing.  

It's gone smoothly, for the most part, other than those few sutures popping open, leaving 3 holes that creep me out everytime I look at myself in the mirror.  I was worried at first by the sound and the pus, but the pain subsided, and it wasn't showing signs of infection.  Then, I was worried that the holes weren't closing up and a piece of a stitch was poking out of that hole and ended up coming all the way out.   Luckily, I was able to get in to see my plastic surgeon yesterday.  They ended up just letting that appointment take the place of my scheduled 8-week after appointment, and seemed pleased with my healing process.  The little holes are "normal," areas where the fat tissue didn't quite connect, died, and bascially popped open like a big pimple.  I just have to wait for my body to catch up.  I commented that the holes creeped me out, making me feel like I was just to split all the way open.  The PA assured me that would not happen, "unless you sneeze or fart."  Lovely.  

Whether I'm really "healed" or not, it's time to get there mentally.  My baby is coming home in a few days, and my days of rest are shortly coming to an end.  

Now I need to schedule the "fine tuning" surgery.  That involves taking the breast tissue Dr. B was able to harvest and cleaning it up, making it all lifted and evened out.  It also involves creating me new nipples by cutting and suturing skin, taking a piece of cartilage from inside my ear, and using it as the inner support.  Three months after THAT, I'll be getting tatooed to finish the look.  I was told that Dr. B likes to take good care of his cancer patients and give a good deal on any added lipo to finish up the look, so I asked about quotes for that, too.  Apparently, his idea of a "good deal" and mine are WAAAAAAY off, so that's off the table now.  I guess I'll just have to get what he calls the "coke bottle" look to complete the official tummy tuck the old-fashioned way.  

I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Then I hear about a friend who had her mastectomy A YEAR AGO and is JUST now finishing up and getting her port out, and it seems so overwhelming.  Will I still have to wait nearly a YEAR to really celebrate crossing the finish line?  I guess you'll have to put up with me for longer than you might have thought!     


  1. oh! two beautiful women I know! Mel, you wear the hair so well. you are Beautiful! but then you always were.... my sis in law had breast cancer, total surgery, tummy reconstruct because they took out the belly
    button area to pull the skin up to her neck. anyway, that was 18 years ago! and she's doing really well.
    She also had to do stem cell rescue. I have hope for you because I've seen recovery and victory over and over with some of my family and friends. You are a true inspiration! Thanks for your faith and for your example. Love ya girl! my google name is MOM. ha ha...

  2. Love the blonde. How fun to get to play with hair color so much! The stranger that commented on your hair is right--you do look beautiful with it short. Glad someone told you that who isn't close to you, so you can believe it.
    Can't believe it's already been 6 weeks since your surgery. I've been so busy and out of touch. So grateful your recovery is steady and you are doing well. Still pray for you in every prayer. Will be praying for your continued emotional and physical strength as Evan returns home. You are so strong, and such an inspiration to us all. It's a long road, but you're getting there.
