Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Another Surgery

I have new nipples! 

This morning I went in for the next step of my breast reconstruction and came out one step closer to finishing the process.  I was in at 7:30 and out and awake by 9:00!  Nailed that surgery!

The original plan should've had my breasts all finished this month, but complications and too many adjustments meant that I would need one additional procedure to complete the nipples before the final tattoos. Thankfully, my doctor listened to my concerns about finances and the additional costs and agreed to do this surgery in his office. (It was hard to NOT hear my concerns through the blubbering tears!). 

We made it to dr. B's office, and started with my least favorite part of any medical procedure: the IV!  I've joked about having Stephen start one before I even come in, having them just access my port, and other options to ease this process. I don't know what it is about me, but I ALWAYS seem to have problems and pain with IVs. Luckily, I only needed a 22 (small needle) and had a nurse with LOTS of IV experience!  Having that go smoothly and painlessly was a good omen. 

Dr.  B came in to draw on me, and was VERY pleased with his handiwork. He asked if I thought they were too big, if I was happy, etc.  He said he was very happy and thought they looked great. He marked the place for the new nipples and a place in my ear for more cartilage, if needed. 

I met with the anesthesiologist, and he asked the standard questions. Then, he asked one that made me smile: "What are you having done today, some lypo?"  
"No, nipple reconstruction."  (But I wanted to say, "What are you saying? You just assume it's lypo?"  I didn't. Don't want to mess with the man with the good drugs!)

I said goodbye to Stephen, walked across the hall into the operating room, and had a nice nap. When I woke up, I was bandaged up, dressed, and ready to go. 

Now I'm home and ready to rest. We'll get to take the bandages off tomorrow. How's that for a Valentine's Day present?  Look, but don't touch!

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