Tuesday, September 6, 2016

PET Scan and ECHO #3

Today  I had my nine-month scans.  

Last time around was difficult, as I was focused on all that could go wrong and what I would most likely face with another diagnosis.  Stephen ran into Dr. Fleener that day and mentioned my anxiety.  She assured him that they would do everything they needed to do and she would make sure they called as soon as they received the reports.  

Flash forward to this time around.  I didn't have nearly the same difficulties with my emotions.  (Perhaps I'd cried all my tears for the month already.)  I was surprised with some beautiful flowers from my mom and dad, which just made my day that much brighter!

Surprisingly enough, Stephen ran into Dr. Fleener AGAIN!  I'm taking it as a small "tender mercy" that lets me know that I am watched over and cared for, that all the prayers for comfort offered by friends, family, and even those who hardly know me are heard.  

By now, I've mostly figured this scan thing out.  I try to get them both on the same day, so I get it all over with and receive the reports the same day.  I check in early, so the chemo nurses can access my port, and I don't have to experience the pain of IVs.  (Hey, if I've got this port for the rest of my life, I might as well us it to my advantage!  Also, I thought it was funny how the techs in the PET weren't "trained" on how to remove my port needle, so I had to go back to my chemo nurses to have it taken out!)  I remember to bring a book or magazine to read, as I have to sit  for 45 minutes to an hour to let that radioactive isotope "sugar water" infiltrate my body.   Don't forget to wear comfy, warm clothes, as it's freezing in that room and I have to hold my arms above my head for the scan.  Also, there's no point in wearing jewelry only to have to remove it before lying down on the bed of the machine.  Next time, I'll just try to get an earlier appointment.  The earlier I finish the scan, the earlier I can actually eat more than protein and green, leafy veggies + water.  Fruit was calling my name!!!

Someone with the early appointment was 30 minutes late, which pushed my schedule off.  I originally had over an hour between scans to eat lunch, but had to rush with less than 30 minutes by the time I was done.  Yes, I was a few minutes late to check into my ECHO, but it worked out perfectly, as they were also running behind.  I had the same tech for this ECHO as my last one, so he remembered my case and was very kind.

The scans are over for another 3-4 months.  Now, we wait for results.

1 comment:

  1. I’m sorry you have to go through this but it sounds like you have these scans down. From what to wear, what to bring, and what to leave at home, you would be a great source for others. I am hoping for good results from you and you will one day be done with the scans.
