Tuesday, January 31, 2017

PET Scan

PET Scan time is not my favorite time.

The stress and anxiety of the unknowns and the dark cloud of questioning when cancer is going to return is hard enough; add on the unpleasantness of fasting for at least 6 hours prior to the study, plus 24 hours of a water/lean protein/green veggie diet?  Well, like I said....not my favorite.  

A massive headache from last night into the morning made it difficult to get out of bed.  Once I finally did, I walked into the kitchen to get breakfast for the boys and became instantly nauseous.  Running to the sink, I dry heaved, but nothing came out.....until I left to help the boys again....and threw up on the floor.  Again, nothing really came out....just bile.  And, I couldn't eat or drink anything to get that taste out of my mouth.  

Then came the fun part: dealing with insurance.  Thankfully, the wonderful ladies at Dr. Fleener's office are AMAZING and helped convince the hospital people to not collect the full deductible from me, but to wait until their claim went through.  

My wonderful oncology nurses happily accessed my port, so I didn't need an IV.  They could tell I wasn't my *normal* self, so asked me to come back after the scan to get some fluids and possibly nausea meds.  

It was then time to get my wonderful injection of radioactive isotopes and wait for that junk to get through my body.  The scan is the easy part: just lie still with my arms over my head and practically sleep for an hour.  

I'm glad for the love and care from the nurses who insisted in getting me fluids and crackers and juice to help get me back to myself again.  

Now, home to rest and get rid of this massive headache and back to waiting and hoping for good results!!!


  1. That sounds like no fun! We’re praying for good news and for you to feel better!

  2. You are in our thoughts and prayers as well as on the Lubbock temple prayer rolll. Much love to you!

  3. You are such a brave person to go through all this, and I hope you are okay from the worrying and the scan itself. I am glad the nurses were so loving and helpful before, during and after the procedure. A warm staff goes a long way when you are not feeling your best. I hope the cancer is responding well to the treatments.
