Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Two Steps Forward

It's been five weeks since my surgery.  Every time I think I'm really getting better, a little something happens to put me back a few steps.  I've felt so rested this week, have been able to keep my pain down to a minimum, and was down to only one dose of pain meds a day.  I've still been taking it easy, but have felt a vast improvement this week.  Then, yesterday, I had a harsh reminder that this is a SIX to EIGHT week recovery!!!!!

As I reached over to turn off the alarm on my phone, I leaned a little too much a heard/felt a sickening 
little "pop."  I literally busted a gut checking Facebook.  It hurt quite a bit, and out leaked some reddish-brownish liquid--not fresh blood, the opening appear to just be superficial, but I'm no expert.  Not really knowing what to do, I consulted my resident RN, who suggested I call my surgeon.  I got in touch with them on the way to chemo, and had to wait for the nurse or PA to call back.  I asked the nurse at my oncologist's office to look at it.  She was able to get the nurse at Dr. Pollack's office to come over and check me out.  Five minutes later, Dr. Pollack herself came over.  Other than noticing the spot of concern, Dr. Pollack said everything looked to be healing well.  There didn't seem to be an infection or too deep of a suture opening, but she would talk to Dr. Boutros to see if he wanted to get me on an antibiotic, just in case.  

It's so frustrating to be held back by physical limitations.  I keep thinking I'm healed--all better!  And, then---POP!--I'm back down a notch or two.  I guess the constant reminders are what I need to keep me from really over doing it.  

1 comment:

  1. So easy to overdo it. Been there myself with other surgery recoveries. Just when you get feeling really good is the hardest time to "be good." Hang in there--taking it easy will pay off in the long run.
