Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesdays with Naqvi--3 Month Check-up

It's been 3 months since I was officially cancer-free, and that means it's time for lab work and a cancer screening.  I must admit I've had a little anxiety about this first one.  Did they really get it all?  Am I still going to be clear?  Will I be the girl who cried "cancer-free," only to be saying, "never mind" only a few months later?

Thankfully, I am still cancer free!!!!  Dr. N said that all my numbers look "amazing."  Everything is up from where it was 3 months ago!  She wants me to start taking a Vitamin D supplement, since that's still not up to where she would like it to be.  Other than that, my results look great.  What a relief to have that over with.

Dr. Naqvi asked how everything else is going,  including taking Tamoxifen.  "Hot flashes?"  {Yes.}  "Your cycle is all over the place?" {Yes.}  "That happens.  You need to lose weight."  {I've been trying.  Gave up sodas.  Have been working out 6 days a week and trying to eat better.}  "You need to lose 15-20 pounds."  {Last time you said it was 10-15, and I've lost 5!}  "I think you've gained, so you need to lose more."  {We'll see in 3 months.}  I like that she's direct, but it would be nice to get credit for working so hard and getting nowhere!  At least everyone noticed my change of hair color and that it's growing back! 

I also had my yearly "skin exam" today.  I no longer have "breast exams," since my breast are now only skin deep.  I will have an exam of my remaining 2% breast and the skin that was left each year, to keep on top of things from that side, too.  Dr. P said they look great and she has no concerns!

I'm thankful for good news on this Tuesday.  Now I don't need to worry about things for another 3 months!

1 comment:

  1. What great news! I'm so happy for another "blessing" day of happy news.....Kudos to you for working out-it will pay off for you in the long run!!!! Love ya lots, Mom
