Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesdays with Melodee

I can't remember a time I've felt much worse than this.

In the last few days, I've had no energy, cold sweats, fever, chills, aches, fatigue, no appetite, and have basically felt like I have the flu. My highest recorded fever was 101.8. That may not sound that bad, but my normal average is 97.1.

Yesterday, I ended up calling my doctor and found out that my white blood count came back low. I had to get on another antibiotic immediately. I also have to get more blood work done again, two days earlier than planned. If my count doesn't go back up, I'm not going to be able to do my last chemo next week. Although I'd love to NOT have chemo, not having it next week means I still have to have it later. This also just means that all plans for scheduling and care of my boys will be totally thrown off.

One of the hardest parts of this is feeling like I'm failing at being a wife and mother. Thanks to Stephen for taking over for much of the day yesterday and friends helping today and for the rest of the week, we just might make it.

I had so many plans for this week, but I guess it's time to slow down again and focus on feeling better. I really would appreciate prayers that my blood count will return to normal so I can go on with the scheduled plan and get this over with. The sooner I get on with it, the closer I'll be to truly feeling better.


  1. I am so sorry you are feeling so awful. You are in my prayers. Bless you and your family during this very trying time.
    Much love from the Ashby's.
    Lori, Alan and the rest of the gang

  2. I hope you get feeling better soon. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  3. Melodee, we think about you and talk about you often. Just know we love you and feel so bad that this is your trial. Thank goodness for modern medicine. It's going to work. It just hurts to get the treatments. I am sorry we do not live closer, so we could help you out. You are in our prayers. The Hellers

  4. I am so sorry that you have to go through any of this. I hate it, just hate it. I've been so out of touch. Finally getting back to normal around here, well, the new normal. Point is, if you ever need to talk, I'm here. Wish I could do more. Been praying for you, as always. You will get through this. Hang in there, dear friend. If you're deeling as if at the bottom of the barrell, the only way to go is up. All my love.
