Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesdays with Melodee

Tomorrow is the big day!  I really cannot believe this month has flown by so quickly and that I have already made it to surgery day.  I am feeling many emotions--excited, positive, nervous, anxious, a bit worried, hopeful, full of anticipation, gratitude, and mostly prepared.  I've come this far in the journey, and this is the next big step.  

Last week I mentioned the concerns of having to miss out or give up even more because of this surgery.  I talked about the challenges of coping with a different body but also remembering that I am of worth and known by God.  I was blessed this week with a tender mercy that added a personal touch to this testimony.

I turned to friends and the power of the internet to help me know the best way to get in touch with Kyle's teacher.  After trying to leave messages with the school and email the counselor, I finally went up in person on Friday.  I explained my concerns to the person at the front desk and asked to speak with the counselor or someone who could get me some answers.  {I just overheard another woman being told that they were trying to contact the counselor with no luck, since everyone was just so busy.}  After waiting about 5 minutes, I was brought into a room in the back part of the office to give more background information.  Soon after that briefing, the counselor made an appearance!  We talked about my concerns with cancer and surgery and not being able to bring Kyle to Meet the Teacher or the first day of school, plus wanting his teacher to understand the added stress in our lives.  I explained, tearfully, I'm afraid, that it was difficult to feel like I'm missing out and not having the full experience with Kyle's first year of school.  I didn't want him to feel different or sad about not having his mom around.  It was most important for me to know that Kyle would be successful and not feel unprepared.  I also wanted to make sure that his teacher had the background information that would help explain if things seem shaky or awry in Kyle's home life.  

After I finished talking, the first miracle happened.  When I was done explaining my concerns, the counselor said, "I understand a little of what you're going through.  Two years ago, I had a mastectomy and reconstruction." Seriously?!  What are the odds?  First, that they found the counselor for ME when she was rumored to not be found for someone else and second, that she truly knows what I'm going through.  The minute she shared this with me, I knew my prayers were being answered and that Heavenly Father was just letting me know, "Don't worry! I got this."  She said she would check in on Kyle and make sure he's doing okay and let him know he's loved.  

Then, the second miracle happened.  In walked Kyle's teacher!!!  Teachers were in and out since it wasn't an official work day yet, but his teacher was there right when I needed her to be.  We talked and shared information and I felt much better about being prepared for school to start.

I got home, and experienced the third miracle!  The counselor called and explained that she had shared my concerns with the principal.  They thought it would be appropriate to bring Kyle up to the school on Monday afternoon to have his own, private Meet the Teacher experience!  I could've reached through the phone to hug her!  We went to the school yesterday, took Kyle's supplies up, filled out papers, and got him all ready.  And, I got to be a part of it all!  

 It's hard to call all of these things simple coincidences.  Certainly, I played a role in them happening, but what a witness of a loving Father in Heaven! These tender mercies of life are what helps us have that hope that we ARE known and loved by God and that He cares for even the smallest of our personal, insignificant-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things-concerns.  They are the miracles that continue to happen  if we but take the time to notice.     

I am grateful that my prayers are heard.  I am grateful that I am known.  It is by the same hand that these miracles happen that I will be blessed in tomorrow's surgery.  He knows and loves me,    

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. {Old Testament, Psalms, Psalm 139:14}


  1. nice to be able to understand that God watches over us. He wants you to be at peace this week. Your job is to obey Him and rest knowing He will take the brunt of the problems for now.
