Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Fool's Day and a Foot X-ray

I woke up on Sunday with an excruciating pain in my right foot.  Thankfully, we already have crutches from my left knee bone infarction and the surgery to diagnose it.  I usually have a high pain tolerance, but this was making it impossible to put even the slightest of pressure on the heel and arch and outside of my foot.  I mean, the blankets I was sleeping with were too much pressure!
Walking was not possible without crutches, and even with crutches was quite a challenge.

Thankfully, Stephen was home to help and pick me up a Dr. Pepper, the boys didn't have official school, and there was a lovely Harry Potter marathon tv, which carried over from Sunday.

"We must try not to sink beneath our anguish . . . but battle on." — Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

 That gave me plenty of time to elevate it, ice it, and switch to heat.  However,

“Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.” —Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


On Tuesday, our cleaning ladies came.  We usually go somewhere to stay out of their way, but with THE CORONAS and my driving foot being injured, we decided to have school out on the patio.  The weather was lovely, and no-one fought for two hours.  We read under and blue sky.  We planted a few things and had a contest for which of my children could gather the most dead leaves.  I count this as a win!

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." — Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Finally on Wednesday, I was scheduled for an x-ray.  Stephen was able to take me.  I didn't receive results, but tried to bring some smiles and joy to my tech, Brenda.  In Cooper Cancer style, I was all ready for the test, and the machine wouldn't work.  Brenda tried shutting the whole thing down, rebooting it, and even thought on my control-alt-delete suggestion.  She wasn't sure when I encouraged her to just open the cover, remove the cartridge, and blow out all the dust.  (I don't think she got that last reference of how to fix the original Nintendo.)

She did get a wheelchair to roll my old bones to another department and try again.  Success!

Then, we waited, and watched more tv, and snacked, and helped the kids with e-school.
I should get results and a suggestion of treatment plan soon.

I did not have quality footwear or adequate foot strength for a major butt kicking for cancer this week.  I guess I could destroy with my crutches!

"It is important to fight and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be kept at bay though never quite eradicated." — Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

1 comment:

  1. Let us know the results. Or did you miss that last step and just don't want to admit it???
