Tuesday, April 28, 2020

More Scan Results + Back to Herceptin (#63)

Remember, hope is a good thing,  
maybe the best of things, 
and no good thing ever dies.
--Stephen King

 I had a video only appointment with Dr. Cole today.  We spoke about my blood clot and my pain, how I was holding up with the quarantine, and after finishing chemotherapy.  I asked specific questions like, "With a DVT in the gonadal vein, how much is sex effected?"  She answered, "From the position of the clot on the scans, it looks to be down lower, so I do not see it as a problem."  She then added, "Are you asking because you want to have sex or do you want official doctor's advice that this clot is a sex problem, a ticket to get out of it?"

Then, we talked about the cancer and chemo results of the scans.  She started by saying that "The scans showed a miraculous response. Mostly everything melted away.  Back in winter of 2019, when we first got these bad scans back, they were very scary/very bad.  Now, nothing scary from those scans is even visible, except the bone lesions that have been there as long as you've been my patient!"

I laughed as I answered: "Told ya so!  Do you remember that I told you when we started that my cancer is like a noxious weed that keeps trying to grow back, but if we hit it with our best shot, it will also go away quickly?"

We chuckled at my sick sense of humor and part of my coping mechanism that uses this dark humor to dance in the rain, like me apologizing for "almost following her instructions to the T: I din't Die, but I did delay.  I'd say if I was only going to stick with one, I picked the better one!"

It's still going to take some time for my body to become stronger again.  My labs are on the low end.  I can get another blood transfusion, if I feel like I need it, there's that pesky DVF (and pill) that will now be added to my medical history, I'll continue to have ct scans to check my body for those noxious weeds, and I have to follow up with Dr. W about my brain, but I get to be cautiously optimistic and HOPEFUL for the foreseeable future.

I started again with maintenance, which happens every 3 weeks for Herceptin and every 6 weeks for Zometa, which I had before.  I'll keep this, in order to have something, until we see if there is something else to add, since that prior concoction is not the guaranteed forever weed killer, but only a seasonal maintenance.  As my doctor closed our meeting by asking if our plan moving forward was "cool," I checked if it was still really her.  "Don't you mean COOLIO?"  She laughed that I remembered it that way.  I reminded her that her code name on my blog is Dr. Coolio, for that reason, and I hope she is flattered and not annoyed.  I do pretty well with hope in other areas, so surely this will continue to be a good thing.

My record on fighting cancer is still close to perfect, if only we could figure out a way to stop it from coming back.  There is always hope, right?  Hope and prayer have proved to be the best of things in my journey.  It does continue to seem to get more and more difficult, as the years go on, and the scars increase, and my overall health seems to decline, but I am known. .I am rescued.  Miracles have occurred on my behalf.  As long as I have meaning for others, my hope and faith will not be wasted.

I will continue to fight and kick and


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the good news. I like it much better than the last post.
