Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Enhertu #2

 Surprisingly, most  of the scary black label side effects from this new chemo stayed away after the first round.  It took a few days for my bowels to better even out. This all accumulated in one terrible Poop-aggedon experience, that took over and hour to clean up in my bathroom. Every surface of my bathroom to be sanitized.  I am learning from those down days.  I must be less aloof in choosing one-piece pajamas!.  Thankfully, I only vomited twice and has my same itchy rash/allergic-ish reaction, which was nothing to worry over.  My pain decreased as the surgical area healed completely, and I said prayers of thanksgiving.  

Today, I did not get to meet with Dr. Cole, but with her nurse practitioner, but I know she still has me in mind.  [It's depressing that Coolio is so busy with the high number of cancer patients that she can only see each every other appointment.]  The week prior, when I reached out about my post-surgery pain and requested extra of the good pills, Dr. Cole  tried to give me some Morphine.  While I was trying to recover from all that digging around inside me, I self-medicated with  a higher dose of my hydrocodone. I was worried that I would run run out before my pain returned to normal.  She still wanted me to try the morphine.  And I did.  But, it did nothing to control my regular, daily lower back pain, and left me with both the regularly-scheduled program plus the new pain, post-surgery.  I did explain this at my appointment, and Cole approved my request that day.  [It took an extra day for the dang insurance to get on board and send more drugs my way.]

My liver functions are almost back to normal, along with my other lab results.  Not surprisingly, blood counts are lower than they should be, I was approved for another round of chemo, though, 

I don't understand why the whole process always seems to be slowed by the pharmacy.  My oncologist has already given the clear on me receiving this terrible chemotherapy.  Yes, my numbers are lower than normal.  You're not uncharge, though, pharmacy.  Release my scary cancer-fighting poison and let me has the regularly scheduled, 30-minute infusion!  Quit making me add hours to the.time I have to be at the cancer clinic and not resting in my own home!  

Maybe someday all the pieces will get put together and I'll understand the big picture of it all.  Today, was not that day, but at least I had a quicker infusion #2 than what happened with the first dose of Enhertu.  

Plus, I was able to be Ginger for a few hours, [or Ariel,] as one of my nurses labeled me.  And, I got to try out a new pair of pink shoes that my OG pink warriors had picked out.  

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