Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Real Enhertu #11

 It was an early day at the Cancer Clinic.   I don't love being ready to leave the house to get to there on time at this hour, especially when my children are out of school and left behind.  I did trust them to not burn the house down or break any bones while I was gone for the morning.  

The great thing about having the early appointment of the day is that you get in without delays and you get to leave closer to the expected time than if you were to be held back by the need to wait for other patients clogging up the time slots before you.  

I was in and out of the lab draw area in only a few minutes and on to the appointment with Dr. Cole's PA, Alisa.  It's sad to look around and have it hit hard that my time here is coming to an end.  I will miss the wonderful people I have met here, who work with such love and kindness and have become another cancer fighting family to me over our time spent together.  

Alisa was excited to announce that my labs ALL look great Even the liver enzymes were right on course.  We chatted about Thanksgiving day plans and the plans for my family's move to New Mexico.  I mentioned a possible UTI flare-up and requested some drugs to knock it out quickly.  (Cranberry juice just wasn't enough.)To have this request filled, I did need to pee in cup, but I was right about the problem.  My internal waste management systems just can't seem to get it right these days.  I'm either clogged up in the back or overflowing in the front.  I would just like to be able to return to homeostasis.  Until then, about all I can do is continue to experiment on what I take or drink and how much or how often to try things like powder vs. pill de-cloggers and at what point those have gone too far.  The problem increases when the opposite conditions can't find the balance betweenI needing something on board for pain, but the pain medication clogging the system right back up which then leads to the need for an equal and opposite solution.....let's just say, it's a work in progress.  

Today's treatment went smoothly, as predicted from capturing the first time slot of the day, and I was done and headed home before lunchtime.  

On this week of Thanksgiving appointment, I am reminded, yet again, of all the many things in my life for which I give thanks.  I am forever grateful for all those healthcare workers who have been part of my journey.  I said from the beginning of discovering that metastatic was forever that all I needed to do was to fight long enough for the new drug to be approved and released.  That was back in 2015, and I'm living it today.  I'm thankful for friends who give up the time to drive me to appointments and keep my spirits up.  I'm grateful for the minds that are given the inspiration and talent to develop the things to keep me alive and able to live.  The blessing of doctors who truly care is beyond words.  

As I continue to work and fight and face setbacks and rise back up to try again, I know that I would not be here without my faith and family and friends, as well as so many prayers from so many others.  I know those conversations with God have helped to lead to miracles, both great and small, straight from heaven for me and my family.   God knows me and knows that I can be an example of his love and his joy as I travel down the hard roads without giving up on seeking the light that, at times, can feel like it might be dimming. Light banishes darkness. Joy can create joy.  Love can build more love and kindness.  Expressing gratitude for blessings teaches great lessons on humility and true happiness.  

It does take time to build the necessary skills required to constantly carry on with only positive perspectives.  For some, the challenges in life tend to naturally head toward the negative, but it is possible to change out this pattern for something new.  Each step forward in the journey to overcome trials with a grateful heart, gathering recognizing and gathering joy along the way, builds strength needed to proceed.

1 comment:

  1. Now! I'm finally free from the damn shit! Cancer. I can't just believe I'm totally cured at last! If you have never try natural herbs products this is what you, im recommended you to drubarlo here. and don't be deceive by people who choose to say the truth, that cancer don't have a cure meet him here Email drubarlohome@gmail.com OR add on whatsapp +2348119508814
