Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thick and Thin

Pardon me while I have a little pity party.

Wednesday is shot day--my least favorite day of this process.  The shot does worse things to me than the chemo.  Or maybe it's just the combination of the two, but I usually end up feeling worse Wednesday evening into Thursday than I do all week.

I stepped on the scale today and realized that I've gained 13 pounds.  THIRTEEN!  Sure, being on steroids doesn't help one bit, and at least I have something to blame it on, but COME ON!  As if I didn't have enough to feel sorry for myself about.  Now I'm getting thick.  I'm a big boned girl as it is, constantly fighting my genes to fit in my jeans.  Now genetics has a new ally, one that seems to be taking over.

Add to that me trying to get ready to head to church tonight, and the thinning of the hair has begun.  Just about everyone I talked to said it would happen around 3 weeks.  I was just praying to make it until we could have family pictures taken.  Both of those came and went this week, so I guess it was time for the inevitable.  As I stood by my sink, running my fingers through my itching scalp, handful after handful came along, too. 

There you have it: I am literally in the THICK and the thin of things.  And it's only just begun. 


  1. I'm so sorry. Both those things are hard.

  2. Ah!! This sucks. 1) You deserve a pity party once in a while. 2) Keep fighting. You are beautiful no matter what cancer throws at you. xoxo Tons of love from the Solaris.

  3. Don't worry, some of that weight is the steroid, but some is also fluid. I remember sometimes counting 9 IV bags toward the end. It was about a five pound difference on chemo day. Drink a lot of water to flush it all out.
