Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Goble this Cancer--Days Six and Seven

My little twin sister is in town!!!  She gets to help me cross a million items off my to-do list, and she also serves as an eye witness to return and report to my mother that radiation truly is a quick and {nearly} painless as I claim it is.

At this point, if you are not ready to hear potty talk, especially from a girl in a tiara, just go about your day knowing that radiation is going well.  I'm just a little tired and nauseous every now and then.

It's my birthday, and I'm hoping to give birth to a food baby today.  Let me back up.  I remember the first time I was taking Zofran for morning sickness and NO ONE explained to me the side effect of constipation.  It may be a mild side effect for some, but for me..........let's just say, I would rather give birth without an epidural than go through that again.  Also, unless you have had an experience in taking a large amount of prescription pain killers, you might not know that these also have a side effect of messing with regularity.  I am currently taking both Zofran and a large amount of pain killers.  If you're not picking up what I'm putting down, this is causing MAJOR back-up.  As in, I have been taking a *gentle* laxative every night in anticipation of this undesired side effect, have added in Mirolax, prunes, an incredible amount of water, and other fruits, and.........nothing.  It has not been a fun few days.

Maybe today is the day, as wishes are supposed to be granted on birthdays.  If not, I've been warned promised "EXTREME DIARRHEA" will start next week with the start of chemo.  Perhaps the extreme in the opposite will actually even me out and get me back to normal.  This negative side effect just might help keep me regular!  That's something to look forward to.

Sorry for the poop talk from the party princess, but I'm just trying to keep it real here!

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